BMW Germany

Dr Richard Wisbrun
Traffic Management 

BMW Group Germany

Dr Christoph Grote
SVP Research, Advanced Technologies, Innovations 

Distribusion Technologies Germany

The rapidly growing intercity bus market presents the travel industry with new challenges. It is our goal to be the leading technology innovator. We want to make booking an intercity bus ticket as simple as booking a flight, no matter where you are in the world. To achieve this, we connect intercity bus operators with travel agencies, websites and mobility apps worldwide.

Pawel Wos
Business Development Manager 
Business Match
Business Type

DLR - German Aerospace Center Germany

Oliver Deißer
Oliver Deißer
Project Manager 
Transport Area
Business Match

Fraunhofer Fokus Germany

Mrs Silke Cuno
Transport Area
Business Match
Business Type

Fraunhofer LBF Germany

The Fraunhofer LBF ( looks back on 75 years of experience in the field of structural durability and nowadays expanded with the expertise in adaptronics, plastics and system reliability. The Fraunhofer LBF develops, evaluates and realizes customized solutions for safety relevant products with a team of more than 450 employees together with the associated Chair of System Reliability and Machine Acoustics SzM and Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry of the TU Darmstadt. In doing so, the full added value chain is considered, from the idea to the product, from the material to the system and over the full life-cycle. For the customized solutions, the LBF provides versatile test facilities on more than 17.000 m2 which are complemented by the Virtual Test Lab for numerical simulations and testing. Since 1 July 2012, the German Institute for Polymers (DKI) became a division of Fraunhofer LBF. Thus, the competences of the Fraunhofer LBF have been extended by synthesis, processing, analysis and testing of functional and engineering plastics. Furthermore, the new battery test center for evaluatiing the life-time and reliability of complete battery systems has opened April 2015. The Fraunhofer LBF is currently structured into the four divisions Structural Durability, Smart Structures, Plastics and System Reliability.

Professor Thilo Bein
Head of Knowledge Management 

HaCon Ing. GmbH Germany

Based in Hannover, Germany, HaCon was founded in 1984 on the expertise of three engineers specialising in public transport, freight traffic and railway operation research. Now, with over 30 years’ experience and a dedicated team of more than 250 specialists in transport planning and IT, HaCon has firmly established itself as one of Europe’s lead players in developing highquality traffic software planning, scheduling and information solutions.

HaCon is also home to a dedicated team of consultants specialising in rail freight and combined transport projects. Using a highly integrated and results-orientated approach, the group aims to assist customers through the combined skills of transport engineers, geographers, lawyers and IT specialists. Working with project sponsors, including the EC, HaCon has amassed a considerable amount of project management experience. Among its service portfolio are successes in requisition and subsidies, the completion of financial and administrative formalities and the overall coordination of all parties involved such as railway companies, shipping agents, institutions and associations.

Mr Niklas Galonske
Mr Niklas Galonske
LinkedIn logo Project Manager 
Transport Area
Business Match
Mr Lars Deiterding
Mr Lars Deiterding
LinkedIn logo Executive Director 
Transport Area
Business Match

HELLER Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Germany

HELLER Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH is a leader in transport asset management sector in Germany. Together with its business partner, Heller Consult (Poland), forms a Heller Group, which spatializes in  supporting road authorities across the Europe (Germany, Poland, France, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland etc.) in their efforts to maintain and manage roads infrastructure effectively. The Heller plays an important role in establishment of standards for infrastructure monitoring and pavement management processes in Germany. The company has developed a worldwide unique system for quality control for pavement condition monitoring process. 

The company helps national/regional/local public sector and commercial clients solve their toughest challenges by providing applications and services with next-generation technology solutions. The offered services comprise consulting, research, software development, data: hosting, collection, evaluation, processing, analysis and visualization and data modeling. 

Mr Marek Skakuj
Mr Marek Skakuj
LinkedIn logo Dipl.-Inf 
Business Match

HELLER Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Germany

Dr Agata Ciołkosz-Styk
Head of R&D 

M-Five GmbH Mobility, Futures, Innovation, Economics Germany

The mobility sector over the next 5 to 20 years will be changing drastically. Changing behavior, new growth markets, the need for further greening of transport, infrastructure maintenance and financing, alternative energy, autonomous driving and new technologies including the digitalization of mobility are driving this change. The business world and politics get more and more aware of that.

M-Five is a ThinkTank providing systemic scientific & consultancy advice in these fields shaping the new world of mobility. Our expertise covers the linked fields of emerging new mobility services and technologies, economics, innovations and new business models. Our services are offered to public and private entities, the former receiving sound policy advice and the latter strategic guidance for their business in the mobility domain and its deepening linkages with energy and ICT domains. System dynamics modeling and systems analysis constitute our core methods to enable clients to improve their strategies. Sector know-how of the mobility industries and skills in innovation system analysis combined with methodological skills for quantitative and qualitative analyses are making the difference. Our combined expertise in mobility and economics are the key success factors of M-Five.
