"Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering Italy

Established twenty-five years ago, the "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering was founded in the Academic Year 1990-91. Its main building, which covers more than 160,000 sqm, meets the highest teaching and research requirements. The Department regularly cooperates with renowned firms in the car manufacturing, chemical, mechanical, ceramics and biomedical fields, as well as enterprises in the sectors of information technology, telecommunications and industrial electronics. The Department has benefited from this productive network, and over the years it has improved and has further developed the high quality level  of its research and technological application. Its graduates can easily find employment, thanks to the training opportunities offered (apprenticeships and work placements). These experiences offer students the chance of further developing the knowledge acquired during the academic program and of taking a closer look at the job market.

Professor Francesco Leali
Transport Area
Business Match

A-ZCU-RTI Westbohemian University Czech Republic

ComplexTrans - global land transportation door-door system of persons and goods in and between cities based on close road-rail cooperation and adaptation

Coupemobil - 4-wheel car of ComplexTrans

Minimobil - small 4-wheel car of ComplexTrans

Further high advanced solutions from rail transport 

   The A-Z University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB) is the only public institution of higher education based in the Pilsen Region. Currently, the University has eight faculties consisting of more than sixty departments and three institutes of higher education. More than 16,000 students studying at the University can choose from a wide of range of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral study programs, the choice of form of study, i.e. a full-time, part-time or combined form, being a matter of course. 

  A part of the university is a Regional Technological Institute (RTI) is an engineering and technological research centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia. The Centre came into existence mainly thanks to funding from the European Regional Development Fund, from the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation, Priority Axis 2: “Regional R&D centres”.

 Research and development conducted in modern laboratories and testing rooms are above all oriented towards:

  • Advanced Transportation Systems
  • Modern Vehicle Structures and their Driving Systems 
  • Machine Tools and their 
  • Modernization Forming Technologies 
  • Machining Technologies

Acciona Spain

Construction company

Mr Carlos Martin-Portugues
Transport Area
Business Match


AIPSS (Italian Association of Road Safety Professionals) is a not-for-profit research association having as main associates:

  • CTL - Research Center for Transport and Logistics of the University of Rome “L Sapienza”; www.ctl.uniroma1.it 
  • Engineering department  of the third university of Rome “ROMATRE”, http://www.ingegneria.uniroma3.it 
  • ASTRAL , the Lazio Region’s road managing company, www.astralspa.it 
  • other private professionals.

Due to the expertise of his members, AIPSS has several research skills in: Road safety; Vulnerable road users; Road infrastructure; Asset management; Automated transport

AIPSS is member of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (www.roadsafetyngos.org), an umbrella organisation active in more than 100 countries, more than 60 in Africa

Previous project developed by AIPSS’ associates: FP6 Ripcord-Iserest;  FP7 Safer BraIn;  DG Move Pilot4Safety, FP7 CityMobil2 

Current project with direct involvement of AIPSS as partner: H2020  ECOROADS www.ecoroadsproject.eu  

Mr Carlo Polidori
Mr Carlo Polidori
LinkedIn logo President 
Business Match
Business Type

Aiscat Servizi Italy

“Aiscat Servizi” is a consulting engineering company founded in 2005 as subsidiary of AISCAT, (the Italian Association of Toll Motorways and Tunnels Concessionaire Companies) with the aim of supporting the Associates, by providing added-values services in the fields of road engineering and transport economics.

Since its establishment, “Aiscat Servizi” provided its expertise to both national and international partners, by carrying out many assignments aimed at supporting private companies and public entities in improving management and operation policies of transport infrastructure.

Aiscat Servizi can take advantage from the largely recognised experience and expertise of AISCAT gained in 50 years of activity in the field of planning, design, construction, and daily operation and maintenance of toll motorways and tunnels.

Mr Federico Di Gennaro
LinkedIn logo Project & Proposal Manager 


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

Dr Athanasios Dimaratos
Transport Area
Business Match

ARRB Group Australia

ARRB provides research, consulting and information services to the road and transport industry. 
ARRB applies research outcomes to develop equipment that collects road and traffic information and software that assists with decision making across road networks.

ARRB is the leading provider of road research and best practice workshops in Australia.

Mr Richard Wix
Principle Engineer 
Transport Area
Business Match
Business Type

Ateknea Solutions Poland

In 2016 European Commission allocated €57,6M for developing around 150 projects connected to transport from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Instrument (SME Instrument, SMEI) under Horizon 2020.

Ateknea Solutions supports SMEs in getting those funds for developing innovative projects and transforming ideas into profitable market solutions.

We help to win.

We helped to get almost 60 grants under SME Instrument (with Transport as a second successful topic). In Poland we are the most successful consultancy in supporting SMEs to get financing from SMEI.  We have worked with over 600 companies and partners during almost 20 years and completed the highest number of projects under 7th Framework Programme.

We support SMEs in various fields, like idea validation, proposal writing, business partners identification and tailor-made engineering services.

For your convenience our offices are located in six European cities: Barcelona, Cracow, Brussels, Budapest, Lisbon and Valletta.

We are here to help you get funding for your project. We are passionate about our work and we put bit of ourselves into every project. Please contact us for more details and solution tailored to your needs.


Mrs Małgorzata Jabłońska
Communications Manager