The aim of DESTination RAIL is to provide solutions for a number of problems faced by EU infrastructure managers. Novel techniques for identifying, analysing and remediating critical rail infrastructure will be developed. These solutions will be implemented using a decision support tool, which allows rail infrastructure managers to make rational investment choices, based on reliable data, See Figure 1. At present Infrastructure Managers make safety critical investment decisions based on poor data and an over-reliance on visual assessment. As a consequence their estimates of risk are therefore highly questionable and large-scale failures are happening with increasingly regularity. As the European rail Infrastructure network ages, investment becomes more challenging. As a result reliability and safety are reduced, users perception of these is negative and the policy move to increased use of rail transport is unsuccessful. The objective of this project (safer, reliable and efficient rail infrastructure) will be achieved through a holistic management tool based on the FACT (Find, Analyse, Classify, Treat) principle.
gasfill Limited
gasfill have developed an affordable personal refuelling appliance for cars and vans that use CNG (compressed natural gas) as a fuel. The appliance is aimed at the home and commercial markets and is the 'natural gas equivalent of an electric charging post'. The unit uses natural gas from the normal gas supply to a property and uses a domestic electricity supply for power. The use of CNG leads to lower fuel costs (typically up to 60%), a lower CO2 footprint (20% saving) and cleaner vehicle emissions (low NOx and no particulates). Within the EU there are currently 1.5 million vehicles using CNG with CNG cars and vans being offered by the major manufacturers (VW, Fiat etc). At the moment the users of CNG have to wait until a public access fast fill station is built in their area but these are expensive, hence rollout is relatively slow and limits the growth of the CNG market. gasfill's unit avoids this issue and provides a way of acelerating market growth. gasfill are now seeking partners/investors who can help to ramp up the commercialistion of their product.
The 3 stage oil free compressor in the unit has been developed by gasfill, is patented and can be used for other gases. gasfill are also looking to license their compressor technology for use with gases other than methane
Dr Norman Leece
Managing DirectorInstitute of Global Innovation Economics and Logistics / Infratrans Group / Center for Analyses in Transport and Infrastructure (CATI) - EU-US Consortium)
In Poland (and at TRA 2016) +48 604 060 246
In US +1 202 738 4348
In UK +44 (0) 748 6868 898
We offer innovative transport solutions applied and academic.
Adam K. Prokopowicz
Libralato Ltd.
The Libralato rotary hybrid engine is potentially the most significant breakthrough in automotive internal combustion engine design since the Otto and Diesel cycles in the Victorian Age; solving the shortcomings of the Wankel engine from the 1950s. It shares the mechanical simplicity, power density and low cost of the Wankel engine but introduces a revolutionary 9-phase thermodynamic cycle for exceptionally high efficiency and low emissions, without the sealing and lubrication problems of the Wankel engine.
The Libralato rotary hybrid engine is an enabling technology for cost competitive plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (2 year ROI pay-back from the fuel savings, without subsidy). Libralato aims to be a market leader for the urgent societal challenges of how to break the car’s ‘addiction to oil’ in a way that the average driver can afford and how to eliminate urban traffic pollution; by a mass transition to plug-in hybrid vehicles, which reduce fuel oil consumption by two thirds, fuel running costs by 60% and CO2 emissions by 50% (well-to-wheel).
PildoLabs Wessex Ltd
Founded in 2001, Pildo Labs ( is an engineering company specialized in delivering top of the edge technology within the aeronautics and ITS sectors. Pildo is recognized as experts in the introduction of satellite navigation technology in ATM and Intelligent Transport Systems sectors. Most of our projects have been developed in consortium with the main actors of the European industry in multi year R+D collaboration programs related to SBAS (Space Based Augmentation Systems) and Galileo.
Pildo Labs Wessex is created in 2014, as a subsidiary Pildo Labs Company with base at United Kingdom (UK). New UK branch is to be UK CAA approved body for the commercialization of specific services within the ATM market under Single European Sky (SES) rules, and catalyze the introduction of products and services in other domains than ATM, such as Intelligent Transport Systems or ITS. The new company inherits from Pildo Labs the expertise and excellent record in the successful completion of studies and developments for major clients such as EUROCONTROL, ESA, The European Commission, National Air Navigation Service providers and governments.
Transport Systems Catapult
The Transport Systems Catapult is one of seven elite technology and innovation centres established and overseen by the UK's innovation agency, Innovate UK. TSC was created to drive and promote Intelligent Mobility – using new and emerging technologies to transport people and goods more smartly and efficiently.
TSC is helping UK businesses create products and services that meet the needs of the world's transport systems as they respond to ever-stretching demands. With a clear emphasis on collaboration, TSC is bringing together diverse organisations across different modes of transport, breaking down barriers and providing a unique platform for meeting the world's most pressing transport challenges.