Transport Systems Catapult
The Transport Systems Catapult is one of seven elite technology and innovation centres established and overseen by the UK's innovation agency, Innovate UK.
We were created to drive and promote Intelligent Mobility – using new and emerging technologies to transport people and goods more smartly and efficiently.
We are helping UK businesses create products and services that meet the needs of the world's transport systems as they respond to ever-stretching demands. We help sell UK capability on the global stage, while also promoting the UK as a superb test bed for the transportation industry.
With a clear emphasis on collaboration, we are bringing together diverse organisations across different modes of transport, breaking down barriers and providing a unique platform for meeting the world's most pressing transport challenges.
TRE-ALTAMIRA is the largest InSAR group worldwide. With over 15 years of experience, it is globally recognised as the world leader in measuring ground displacement with millimetric precision using satellite radar data for a variety of sectors. For the Transport industry ground motion studies using InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) technology provide crucial information to detect displacement related to infrastructure projects and can be implemented during all stages, from planning through to construction and maintenance.
Radar imagery processing is the core competence of TRE-ALTAMIRA. Its team’s excellent and current knowledge of InSAR is the key to its success and growth in both commercial contracts and publicly funded projects. TRE-ALTAMIRA is a CLS group company with offices in Milan, Barcelona and Vancouver.
University of Piraeus, Transport Systems Laboratory
The Transport Systems Laboratory of the University of Piraeus has been actively involved in the shipping and transport industry research. The TSL team has coordinated and/or actively led flagship projects of the European Commission including PROPS, eFreight, eMAR, Contain, SUPPORT, MEDITA, TRAINMOS-II, and has also worked in a series of relevant European projects related to maritime, mobile communications, satellite communications, e-Business, e-Government, Shipping & Transport digital applications.
Dr Ioannis Koliousis
Researcher, Head of Freight SystemsWiseEuropa Institute
Warsaw Institute for Economic Studies foundation (WiseEuropa), independent Warsaw-based think-tank focusing on economic and institutional analysis, as well as economic impact assessment of public policies. Key areas of WISE expertise are: macroeconomic modelling, institutional studies, climate & energy policies, low emission policies, innovation.
WiseEuropa works with international organizations, public administration and local authorities as well as with industrial, financial and scientific partners. It cooperates with major Polish and international NGOs. The institute has had a major international outreach, with the European Commission and the World Bank putting their trust in the knowledge and expertise of its team.